Ascension asks students to collaborate across disciplines in the SCA to generate original works outside of designated class times, serving as both a platform to promote and extend the interdisciplinary nature of the SCA, while also providing an opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience that they can take with them past graduation.”

I participated in Ascension in 2022, not knowing what to expect at all, especially since I was a first year. It was an interesting experience creating music using various ideas and trying to captivate the insects they were supposed to represent. Dancing to metal sure looked cool!

Track Listing:

  1. Oothecae

  2. Scolopendra

  3. Anax

  4. Apis

Liner Notes:

Music by Artemis Cheung

Artemis Cheung - Guitars, Bass

Anna Wang-Albini - Choreographer

Ascension | 2022 Performed December 15-17, 2022

Ascension | 2022 - Gubz Released December 17, 2022


Capstone EP


Ad Astra Adventium